Make Learning to Spell Fun

Good spelling forms a solid foundation for developing the skills to solve crosswords and other word puzzle games. Spelling bees are a great educational tool to help children boost their vocabulary and general knowledge.  In many ways they are just like a puzzle game that needs to be solved.  They are fun, but they can […]

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Crack the Codeword Basics

When you are learning the basics of playing “crack the codeword”, using the Clue Detective’s Spelling By Numbers concept is a great way to start. It’s is the same as when you solve a regular codeword. but in this early stage, you have the familiarity that the alphabetical sequence provides, A=1, B=2, Z=26, and so […]

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Solving codeword puzzles can benefit ADHD sufferers

ADHD sufferers are never able to concentrate on any one thing for very long.  They fidget, change the subject and often get up and walk away.  Life can be complicated for the ADHD sufferer as well as their family and friends.  You have probably been looking for ways to help your loved one to concentrate, […]

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Solve puzzles in a virtual setting

A library used to be a place that simply offered resources mostly in print format.  Not anymore.  It is now a technological hub of the universe, where a variety of electronic resources are provided to patrons.  Online puzzles is just one example.  When patrons solve puzzles in a virtual setting, they need to be able […]

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Puzzles as Learning Tools

Using puzzles as learning tools is an innovative way for educational organisations and businesses  to present their materials.  It is a very cost-effective form of training and it allows employees or students to do the training whenever it suits them. When designing your course you will need to build in some form of testing and […]

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