Solving codeword puzzles for mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic years have made it necessary for us all to undertake home isolation, and social distancing, which has caused general disruption to our daily lives. 

For many this has increased anxiety and unearthed unknown mental health conditions they never knew about.   It is therefore important to develop coping strategies.   One of these is solving codeword puzzles for mental health.

Puzzling is an ideal tool that can assist public and school libraries to reach out to their patrons to help facilitate health and wellbeing activities and foster mental resilience and fitness.

Reach out to patrons with a library puzzle club

Establishing a library codeword puzzle group is a great way to help patrons stay connected.  Puzzlers can enjoy solving puzzles together and bring their own knowledge to the table. They will also learn and interact with others and make new friends.

Puzzlers all have something in common. They have an inbuilt hankering to increase their knowledge.  Solving a codeworspuzzle is a form of escapism.  It allows people to leave their worries behind; even if it is only for a little while.  A codeword puzzle is a problem we can really can solve, with patience and perserverence, and solving it with others, it’s even better. With their inbuilt, random code, they all have their own element of mystery and intrigue.  They are educational because you are able to boost your vocabulary and general knowledge.

Solve puzzles for mental health in the library

The Clue Detective’s Puzzling for Mental Health Initiative  encourages public libraries to establish a codeword puzzle club and promote it to their various community stakeholders who wish to solve puzzles can engage inhouse or remotely.

  • The library’s patron population at large – anyone with a library card can access puzzles.

  • Face to face codeword puzzle clubs 

  • ‘Zoom codeword puzzle clubs’ with patrons connecting like-minded puzzlers near and far.  They don’t need to be in the same room or the same time-zone, for that matter!

Learn more

The Clue Detective Puzzle Agency is a proud mental health advocate.  They have been promoting the benefits of puzzling for mental health for over 20 years.  

Find out how the Clue Detective’s Solving Puzzles for Mental Health Initiative can assist your library and its community