Become a Clue Detective Puzzle Editor
Do you have a love of solving puzzles, and at the same time, enjoy the editing side. ie. picking up on typographical errors can see where clues can be improved.
The Clue Detective Puzzle Agency is seeking people who would be prepared to share their knowledge about the structure and solving of puzzles by becoming editors/proofreaders.
Your skills will help us publish the best puzzles!
Enjoy ongoing puzzling from a variety of different compilers, or work with the same ones on a regular basis.
- 1. As a CDPA proofreader/editor, you automatically receive an ongoing Clue Detective membership. This gives you full access to the site and puzzle portal.
You are also provided with a CDP Agent tracking link. You can promote the puzzles you proofread, refer sales and earn 20% commission. - 2. You can also introduce other editors, guest bloggers, puzzle setters and and solvers to the CDPA platform. When they refer sales, you receive 10% commission.
Want to learn more? Contact us today!