Movie Decryptocode 9 – Helen Mirren – Solution
- Gosford Park (2001)
- Calendar Girls (2003)
- The Queen (2006)
- State of Play (2009)
- Hitchcock (2012)
- The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
- Eye in the Sky (2015)
- Collateral Beauty (2016)
- The Good Liar (2019)
- The Duke (2020)
Code Solution:
A=M | B=V | C=D | D=X | E=G | F=J | G=C |
H=K | I=W | J=A | K=R | L=F | M=U | N=S |
O=T | P=E | Q=N | R=L | S=B | T=Q | U=H |
V=Z | W=Y | X=I | Y=O | Z=P |