Movie Decryptocode 2 – Alan Rickman Movies – Solution
- Die Hard (1988)
- Truly Madly Deeply (1990)
- Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves (1991)
- Sense and Sensibility (1995)
- Michael Collins (1996)
- Harry Potter (2001-11)
- Love Actually (2003)
- Nobel Son (2007)
- A Little Chaos (2014)
- Eye in the Sky (2015)
Code Solution:
A=E | B=S | C=Q | D=V | E=J | F=D | G=F |
H=Y | I=U | J=W | K=I | L=P | M=A | N=K |
O=B | P=Z | Q=N | R=H | S=C | T=O | U=L |
V=M | W=X | X=G | Y=R | Z=T |